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What is Transformation?

I recently read an article in The Economist about Jim Collins, the author of Built to Last, Good to Great, and, most recently, Great by Choice. The piece reviewed the merits of Collins’s overarching point of view — that greatness is largely a matter of choice and discipline — relative to other approaches including a transformative one. What surprised me wasn’t the comparison of disciplined and steady versus an aggressive agenda, but rather that transformation was painted with a ‘trash and burn’ brush. It got me thinking: What do we know...

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The Road to Value (Part 1)

Much is written about value. Even more is said about it. Value just might be the most overused word in business today. At the organization level, we hear about customer value, shareholder value, and enterprise value. At the department level, Product Management wants its products to be perceived as good value not high cost. Sales wants to sell from value rather than feature/functions. And, Marketing is measured on the value of leads and brand equity. Even support departments like Finance, IT and HR strive for value. Finance wants positive returns of value for capital deployed. IT must...

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IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

By Thomas Butta, NY Business Strategies Examiner Writers Note: This post is about what’s possible for those of you facing an opportunity to accelerate your organization to a higher level of value. It showcases a company that had the courage to challenge the status quo and heavy-duty competition. The story is longer than normal, but it’s a compelling case study that needs room to unfold. Did you catch the news of IBM’s latest software acquisition a few weeks ago? Business as usual for Big Blue? Certainly. But, who and what is Platform Computing? Click here to find out. We had the same...

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Have We Become Anti-Social?

Social media is everywhere, in every industry and on every device. Its usage is astounding, really. Reports document that Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks are not only growing exponentially, they are the first and last places people go every day. For all of our fascination with social media, I ask, have we become anti-social? Sit in any office environment and what do you see? People with their eyes glued to their computers. Alone. Peer inside most cars on the road and who is there? A driver. On the phone. What forms of communication are most prevalent? E-mail. Texts. Posts....

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What is Soul?

Soul. It’s a funny looking word, but it carries such depth. What comes to mind when you see the word, soul? Think about it for a minute before reading on. When was the last time you thought about soul? Soul shows up in many places. Like music. Soul music. Can you hear it? Like a dramatic performance. Soulful. Can you see it? Like religion. “Pray the Lord my soul to keep.” Did you recite it? Like food. Soul food. Authentic food, be it southern collards or Sicilian rice balls. Even though we’ve shown many associations, soul isn’t really what you see. It’s more about what you feel....

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