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UC4 Software Acquired by Growth Investor. What Do You See?

UC4, the world’s largest independent IT Process Automation Company, yesterday announced thatEQT Private Equity Investors agreed to purchase the company from The Carlyle Group. EQT is the leading private equity group in Northern Europe with nearly $18 billion in raised capital. When asked, “What do You See in UC4?” EQT said, “We see a highly attractive growth company.” This is a great first outcome for UC4, a highly successful, but relatively unknown company. Here’s why. UC4 is in a great position to rapidly accelerate through an opportunity to lead a new, important, valuable IT...

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The Road to Value (Part 1)

Much is written about value. Even more is said about it. Value just might be the most overused word in business today. At the organization level, we hear about customer value, shareholder value, and enterprise value. At the department level, Product Management wants its products to be perceived as good value not high cost. Sales wants to sell from value rather than feature/functions. And, Marketing is measured on the value of leads and brand equity. Even support departments like Finance, IT and HR strive for value. Finance wants positive returns of value for capital deployed. IT must...

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You Say You Want a Resolution

This is the time of year when we attend to the annual ritual of making resolutions for the New Year. Is it worth doing? Does it help? If we were honest, we’d probably conclude that while the idea of making resolutions is relevant, our execution falls far short time and again. Why is that? I believe we do short shrift to the process of making resolutions because we don’t see it for what it really is—vitally important. The process of determining our most meaningful hopes for the New Year is no different than making an annual plan. Companies do it. Why don’t individuals? For all the talk...

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IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

By Thomas Butta, NY Business Strategies Examiner Writers Note: This post is about what’s possible for those of you facing an opportunity to accelerate your organization to a higher level of value. It showcases a company that had the courage to challenge the status quo and heavy-duty competition. The story is longer than normal, but it’s a compelling case study that needs room to unfold. Did you catch the news of IBM’s latest software acquisition a few weeks ago? Business as usual for Big Blue? Certainly. But, who and what is Platform Computing? Click here to find out. We had the same...

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The Jeff Bezos Formula for Asymmetric Competition

The art of moving quickly with a savvy strategy. By Stephen Wunker, Contributor Today’s announcement of the Kindle Fire, possibly the iPad’s most serious competitor, underscores how Amazon’s Jeff Bezos remains one of the most predictably revolutionary leaders in business. Selling at just $199, the Fire can accelerate the growth of the already white-hot tablet market through leveraging revenue streams Apple lacks. It embodies the sort of asymmetric competition that has become Amazon’s trademark. How does the company do it? First, consider the legacy preceding the Fire. Amazon launched...

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