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Align for Success

Do you remember the popular book, Dress for Success? It sold millions of copies based on a simple concept:  If you want to get ahead you need to look the part. And that starts with what you wear. Wardrobes were updated everywhere. Dress for Success was itself a resounding success because it nailed the fundamentals. Its basic premise made sense — appearances matter. And, it was easy to execute. So, the individual had a playbook, albeit one book in the broader scheme of things, on how to increase their odds of success. Cool. What about the organization? Is there an equivalent playbook...

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You Say You Want a Resolution

This is the time of year when we attend to the annual ritual of making resolutions for the New Year. Is it worth doing? Does it help? If we were honest, we’d probably conclude that while the idea of making resolutions is relevant, our execution falls far short time and again. Why is that? I believe we do short shrift to the process of making resolutions because we don’t see it for what it really is—vitally important. The process of determining our most meaningful hopes for the New Year is no different than making an annual plan. Companies do it. Why don’t individuals? For all the talk...

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Signals (part 2 of 2): 7 Signs of Struggle

This is the second post in a two-part series on Signals, those feint and not-so-feint signals that tell you how things are going during your first few months in a new job. Part 1 was on the 8 Signs of Early Success. This post is about the signals that tell you things aren’t going so well. The signals that indicate things aren’t going so well fall into two camps: You haven’t been visibly endorsed Your work isn’t having an impact You know you haven’t earned the endorsement of your boss or your peers when: – You aren’t in the critical path of planning – Decisions are...

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Signals (part 1 of 2): 8 Signs of Early Success

The discussion sparked by my recent posts, A Good Fit and The Risk of Waiting, got me thinking about those feint and not-so-feint signals that tell you how things are going during your first few months in a job. While I’m sure you can sense when things are going well and when they’re not, it might help to be aware of common signs of success and struggle. This is the first of two posts on the subject, 8 Signs of Early Success. The signals that indicate things are going well fall into two camps: You are in demand You are having an impact You are in demand when: Your opinion is...

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The Way

Do you have a life plan? Is your career mapped out? I wonder, how’s it going? Is it taking the form you envisaged? Are you where you thought you’d be? Is it all neat and tidy? Probably not. If you’re like most people, your life and your career are different from what you planned. Did you plan to move to New York from Florida, but instead wound up in Portugal? Did you see remaining an owner of your business only to be lured away by your client? Are you concerned that your last four jobs have averaged 18 months each? Do you want to be an entrepreneur, but are instead looking for the...

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