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Uncertainty. Are you empowered or disarmed by ambiguity?

Do you embrace uncertainty or run from it? Does ambiguity motivate you or cause you frustration and discomfort? Most people are more comfortable in conditions that are clear. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case these days.  The new normal is anything but stability. Most often we’re operating in situations that are shifting, changing, even disruptive. If you have the power to stick with it, I believe that working through uncertainty has great benefits. That’s where learning is possible. That’s where breakthroughs come from. That’s where magic happens. Think about it. If we had...

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IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

By Thomas Butta, NY Business Strategies Examiner Writers Note: This post is about what’s possible for those of you facing an opportunity to accelerate your organization to a higher level of value. It showcases a company that had the courage to challenge the status quo and heavy-duty competition. The story is longer than normal, but it’s a compelling case study that needs room to unfold. Did you catch the news of IBM’s latest software acquisition a few weeks ago? Business as usual for Big Blue? Certainly. But, who and what is Platform Computing? Click here to find out. We had the same...

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Speeding Lessons

Whether you call it a recession, a depression, or an adjustment, a time of uncertainty is the time to accelerate – if you have the capital and the backbone. I understand this view may be counterintuitive, perhaps seen by some as reckless. Conventional wisdom would ask: How can you think of being aggressive at a time when deals are at risk, satisfied customers are coveted, and the market is jittery? History has shown that post-downturn winners are those who took a long view while others around them only focused inward. Take a look at this chart from Accenture. What do the winners have in...

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