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Be Prepared For Change

Your change agenda is taking form. You’ve circulated it with key internal and external people. You’ve modified it based on feedback you’ve gotten. You’re ready to launch it to the company just before taking it to the marketplace. What items should you have ready to disseminate minutes after the internal launch? The following core set of items has served me well across different industries and size of companies: Brand and Messaging Guidelines – these guidelines demonstrate exactly how to apply the evolved brand and new messaging in all popular formats – from letterhead,...

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Five Ways to Know Change Is Happening

The adoption of a change agenda has its own natural course of momentum. Once the resistance of inertia begins to break down, you will actually feel the shift taking hold inside your organization. If you’ve done a good job of driving the new way by seeding it with change agents, demonstrating its power both visually and verbally, and garnering support from internal and external influencers, you will see the following common traits of early adoption. People will start randomly using the language they’ve heard or seen Visuals used in your change demonstrations will show up in...

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Transformation at Work – Part III, Leadership

This is the third of three posts citing real-life examples of transformation at work. This one features leadership as a key ingredient in driving transformation. The first one was about courage. The second was about conviction. Leadership. We defined leadership as “being the poster child of change by visibly and emotionally motivating, enticing and enrolling others in the quest.” Leadership is getting out there with people, being physically present and active in support of the new agenda. The transition at PTC to a value-based selling model was a complete departure for a company with a...

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Transformation at Work – Part II, Conviction

This is the second of three posts citing real-life examples of transformation at work. This one features conviction as a key ingredient in driving transformation. The first transformation-at-work post was about courage. Conviction. We defined conviction as “staying true to the mission and not softening the edges.” Conviction is staying the course even when popular opinion strives to shoot it down. Being in the early phases of a new idea is a difficult place to be. It can be very lonely. When PTC, the CAD software company, was rapidly losing revenue from its founding business model...

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Transformation at Work – Part I, Courage

In my post Three Essential Ingredients of Transformation we talked about how sustainable transformation requires three essential ingredients operating at full capacity all the time. They are courage, conviction and leadership. What do they look like in real life? This is the first of three posts citing such examples. First up: Courage. We defined courage as choosing what needs to be done versus what can be done. Courage is plotting the right course even if it’s the unpopular one. Courage is realizing old ways aren’t working well enough to grow the business. Such was the situation in 1999...

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