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Taking a Leap

Posted by on Feb 29, 2012 in Accelerate Through Opportunities, Big Ideas, Growth, Innovation | 0 comments

Taking a Leap

The act of going from where you are to a higher, more valuable level is often expressed in a number of funny ways: Breaking through. Getting to a new level. Making big strides. But, the one I like best is taking a leap. Taking a leap captures the emotion in doing something dramatically different. It’s exhilarating, but it’s also a bit scary. To make a bold move you have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to get beyond the status quo. Which means you have to get off the current path even if that path has attractive upswings. Most...

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The Road to Value (Part 1)

Posted by on Feb 23, 2012 in Awareness, Balance, Big Ideas, Brand Value, Creating Value, Decisions, Driving Transformation, Higher Value, Innovation, Success, The Power of Alignment, Value, Value Roadmap | 0 comments

The Road to Value (Part 1)

Much is written about value. Even more is said about it. Value just might be the most overused word in business today. At the organization level, we hear about customer value, shareholder value, and enterprise value. At the department level, Product Management wants its products to be perceived as good value not high cost. Sales wants to sell from value rather than feature/functions. And, Marketing is measured on the value of leads and brand equity. Even support departments like Finance, IT and HR strive for value. Finance wants positive...

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Align for Success

Posted by on Jan 26, 2012 in Accelerate Through Opportunities, Career, Success | 0 comments

Align for Success

Do you remember the popular book, Dress for Success? It sold millions of copies based on a simple concept:  If you want to get ahead you need to look the part. And that starts with what you wear. Wardrobes were updated everywhere. Dress for Success was itself a resounding success because it nailed the fundamentals. Its basic premise made sense — appearances matter. And, it was easy to execute. So, the individual had a playbook, albeit one book in the broader scheme of things, on how to increase their odds of success. Cool. What about...

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Word Limit: How is Your Grasp of the Language?

Posted by on Jan 17, 2012 in Comments, Communication | 0 comments

Word Limit: How is Your Grasp of the Language?

I couldn’t agree more. They say actions speak louder than words, but words are what motivate, inspire, and entice us. If we begin with the right words actions will be all the more effective. By Bob James, I enjoy consultant Alan Weiss’ monthly e-newsletter Balancing Act. Weiss is the Andy Rooney of the corporate boardroom. In the current edition, he bemoans our poor command of language. “I’ve always believed that language controls discussion, discussion controls relationships, and relationships control...

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You Say You Want a Resolution

Posted by on Jan 3, 2012 in Career, Decisions | 0 comments

You Say You Want a Resolution

This is the time of year when we attend to the annual ritual of making resolutions for the New Year. Is it worth doing? Does it help? If we were honest, we’d probably conclude that while the idea of making resolutions is relevant, our execution falls far short time and again. Why is that? I believe we do short shrift to the process of making resolutions because we don’t see it for what it really is—vitally important. The process of determining our most meaningful hopes for the New Year is no different than making an annual plan....

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