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Time, Distance and Clarity

Posted by on Dec 21, 2011 in Time | 0 comments

Time, Distance and Clarity

For all the benefits of moving quickly we must remember to stop, to think, to see. It is in those quiet moments when we usually see much more than we’ve ever seen before. And that’s where magic can happen. By FRANK BRUNI (read the original article) Published: December 12, 2011 Above Rome’s pale yellow and dusky orange buildings, the sky somehow looks bluer than it does almost anywhere else. Did I take proper note of that when I saw it all the time? When it was the canopy over my waking, my working and the all-consuming,...

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Posted by on Dec 20, 2011 in Awareness, Big Ideas, Growth, Higher Value, Innovation | 1 comment


Do you ever wonder about motivation? Now  is certainly the time of year when many of us reflect on where where we’ve been and where we’re going.  Reflection is good, after all. But, do you ever consider why you’re motivated to do certain things? Do you wonder what’s driving you? When I look at my friends I see a group of highly motivated people.  Some are starting something new — most with nothing more than the desire to bring an idea to life. Others are working in established organizations — usually stimulated by what...

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IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

Posted by on Dec 8, 2011 in Accelerate Through Opportunities, Big Ideas, Branding, Breakout, Change, Cloud Computing, Creating Value, Decisions, Driving Transformation, Growth, Innovation, Speed Matters, Success, Uncertainty | 0 comments

IBM Acquires Platform Computing. Whatever.

By Thomas Butta, NY Business Strategies Examiner Writers Note: This post is about what’s possible for those of you facing an opportunity to accelerate your organization to a higher level of value. It showcases a company that had the courage to challenge the status quo and heavy-duty competition. The story is longer than normal, but it’s a compelling case study that needs room to unfold. Did you catch the news of IBM’s latest software acquisition a few weeks ago? Business as usual for Big Blue? Certainly. But, who and what is Platform...

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No new drugs? Blame Wall Street

Posted by on Nov 30, 2011 in Awareness | 0 comments

No new drugs? Blame Wall Street

Cutting back on R&D ecosystem equals long-term decline for companies and nations. No new drugs? Big drugmakers are submitting to investors’ short-sightedness instead of doing the right thing. FORTUNE — Earlier this year, drug giant Pfizer (PFE) announced plans to slash spending on research and development by a third. Its shares closed that day up more than 5%. Two days later rival Merck (MRK) went the other way, saying it would maintain existing R&D levels. Its shares fell by nearly 3%. Investors had sent Big Pharma a very...

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The Confusion of Logistics and Strategy Problem

Posted by on Nov 27, 2011 in Perspective, Strategic Marketing | 0 comments

Breakthrough strategy = well-executed vision. So widespread, it deserves an acronym: CLASP. You have a clasp when people criticize your new strategy because they don’t know how to execute it. Yes, a new strategy has to be executable, or it’s merely a wish. No, the logistics behind it don’t have to be tried and true. It’s one job to dream up a strategy and another job to execute it. Whining about how hard the logistics are is just fine, but don’t conflate this with thoughtful feedback about whether your strategy...

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