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Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. How many times have we heard that refrain? How many times have we ignored it? How many times have we believed that nothing will change because of another day? If you want (or need) to do something then why not get on with it?  Whether it’s energizing your company, reshaping how you do things, or simply making contact with someone you’ve been thinking about, why is it so hard to act with urgency? Certainly inertia has something to do with it. Inertia, after all, is a force more powerful than momentum. Inertia is the weight that keeps us...

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Talent and Vendors

So incredibly true. The end result is greater value. By Seth Godin You may be purchasing services from people with magical talents (artists) and it’s a mistake to confuse them with vendors. As we get more and more service oriented, it’s an easy mistake to make. You’re busy buying cleaning services or consulting or design, and sometimes the person you’re working with is a vendor, and sometimes they’re not–they’re an artist, “the talent.” A vendor is someone who exists to sell you something. It doesn’t always matter to the vendor...

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The Way

My first employer, Young & Rubicam, the largest advertising agency in the world at the time, provided us with an internal promotional piece one day. It said, “You can really fly when you know where you’re going.” I’m fairly certain Y&R was communicating that a clear path can help us be more creative. When you’re clear on your destination you are able to unleash a variety of possibilities in how to get there. I think much of what is wrong today is we don’t articulate a precise and powerful vision on where we want to go. While we have tools that give us guidance and...

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Leads, Leads, Leads

This is the second post in my Balancing Act series. “Andy, Andy. I hear what you’re saying about awareness, but we need leads. Leads, leads, leads. Leads are what we need. Leads are what I want. Now, get me some leads!” Sound familiar? Can you guess who’s doing the talking? And who’s on the receiving end? This interplay between the CMO of a $100 million technology company and his CEO is one that happens far too often. If you haven’t witnessed or been a part of this kind of exchange, you probably will be. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the CMO or the CEO or even the Chief...

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