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Do you ever wonder about motivation? Now  is certainly the time of year when many of us reflect on where where we’ve been and where we’re going.  Reflection is good, after all. But, do you ever consider why you’re motivated to do certain things? Do you wonder what’s driving you? When I look at my friends I see a group of highly motivated people.  Some are starting something new — most with nothing more than the desire to bring an idea to life. Others are working in established organizations — usually stimulated by what remains possible despite good success under their...

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No new drugs? Blame Wall Street

Cutting back on R&D ecosystem equals long-term decline for companies and nations. No new drugs? Big drugmakers are submitting to investors’ short-sightedness instead of doing the right thing. FORTUNE — Earlier this year, drug giant Pfizer (PFE) announced plans to slash spending on research and development by a third. Its shares closed that day up more than 5%. Two days later rival Merck (MRK) went the other way, saying it would maintain existing R&D levels. Its shares fell by nearly 3%. Investors had sent Big Pharma a very clear message: Stop spending so much money to...

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All Brands Are Publishers, Learn How to Be a Good One

Yes. Brands are about voice, value & points of view. Five Years after Golden Rules of Conversational Media, an Addendum By John Battelle  It’s illuminating to remember that five years ago, Twitter was three months old, and Facebook had just opened to non-students. Neither company had a business model. Oh, and Digg was considered the pre-eminent social news service. Over the next half-decade, of course, Twitter and Facebook have become huge forces, driving the rise of what I then called “conversational media” as opposed to “packaged-goods media,” where...

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Infographic: Who Is Occupy Wall Street?

Visualizing the results of 5,006 completed surveys at, data shared exclusively with Fast...

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Is Occupy Wall Street An Effective Change Platform?

Say what you want about the Occupy Wall Street movement, but we can surely agree it has garnered attention and sparked debate. The question is why. Why has the Occupy Wall Street movement — and the related activities it has spawned — tapped our interest and emotions? What is there to learn from this change platform? I can tell you I have questions about the movement, especially its beginnings. Were people hired to protest? Where the protestors put in place by a powerful, quietly controlling organization? Is the march on Wall Street a made-for-media event not unlike that depicted...

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