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Gap CEO Tailors Urgent Revamp

A few months ago, social media was aflutter about Gap’s new logo. That debate seems trivial in comparison to Gap’s business reality. According to Gap CEO, Glenn Murphy, this holiday season is a make or break moment for the retailer. The changes Murphy has been driving will either work or not. With no insights beyond what I read, I suspect Gap will be successful for three reasons: Murphy has urgency. Murphy is using time as a strategic asset. Murphy is involving the entire company in the fight. If Gap has identified the most powerful path to drive relevant value, its sense of urgency should be enough to put them over the edge.

Bleeding Retailer Scrambles Ahead of Make-or-Break Holiday Season, Specifically in Women’s Tops


SAN FRANCISCO—Gap Inc. chief Glenn Murphy has just five months to stop years of bleeding at its namesake brand.

It’s a tall order for a brand that has resisted a decade’s worth of attempts to turn it around. For Mr. Murphy, having replaced the brand’s president and top designer in the last few months, his goal of getting Gap back on track will all come down to a make-or-break holiday season, in the works now.

“I have a much higher sense of urgency,” Mr. Murphy, in his first interview since taking the job in 2007, said of the year it …

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