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A Building

Name the tallest building in New York City? For the past 10½ years it was the iconic Empire State Building. No more. As of last week, that honor belongs to the new One World Trade Center, now more simply known as 1WTC and previously known as Freedom Tower. It was a big news story here in New York. Did you hear about it? For me 1WTC is less about what it is — a building — than what it stands for — the commitment to building something bigger, better and bolder. Think about it. A building is static. The act of building is active. A building is about what is. Building is...

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Courage in Choosing

A very good friend had me laughing the other day when she played out a scene from a television show in Ireland called the D’Unbelievables. Apparently, whenever the characters go to a store and are asked what they want, they say, “One a dem and one a dem. And some a dem and some a dem. “ The notion of wanting some of this and some of that is a common refrain — one most often played out when making decisions.  When forced to choose between a strong, singularly clear idea and one that combines multiple alluring ingredients, the common response is to choose the blend. I’m sure...

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