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Courage in Choosing

A very good friend had me laughing the other day when she played out a scene from a television show in Ireland called the D’Unbelievables. Apparently, whenever the characters go to a store and are asked what they want, they say, “One a dem and one a dem. And some a dem and some a dem. “

The notion of wanting some of this and some of that is a common refrain — one most often played out when making decisions.  When forced to choose between a strong, singularly clear idea and one that combines multiple alluring ingredients, the common response is to choose the blend.

I’m sure you’ve heard this talk track many times, “We really like the boldness of this one idea, but can you give it the flavor of this other idea while incorporating the angle from this other one?” In other words, “I’ll take one a dem and some a dem and one a dem.”

A little of this and a little of that is a whole lot of nothing. You need courage when making decisions. You need to be clear, single-minded, and bold. You need to avoid blurring the edges.  To do otherwise is to weaken your effort and dampen your effectiveness. The market will respond in accordance with the strength of your choice.

The belief that more is a better choice than less is, well, unbelievable.

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