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Do you ever wonder about motivation?

Now  is certainly the time of year when many of us reflect on where where we’ve been and where we’re going.  Reflection is good, after all. But, do you ever consider why you’re motivated to do certain things? Do you wonder what’s driving you?

When I look at my friends I see a group of highly motivated people.  Some are starting something new — most with nothing more than the desire to bring an idea to life. Others are working in established organizations — usually stimulated by what remains possible despite good success under their belts. Others are on a personal journey — off the grid to explore what’s in front of them for no other reason than the belief that something valuable will emerge if they pay close enough attention.

While we are all motivated to do or be something that’s personally valuable, we are also likely to be stimulated in different ways and for different reasons. It could be the need to be accepted or to prove someone wrong. It could be about expectations or fear. It could be blind ambition or fundamental survival. Regardless, we can be motivated by anything.

Do you know why you’re motivated to do certain things? Does it enter your mind when you take on an assignment, embark on a new project, or simply go forward? Do you think about it or does it just happen?

I wonder about motivation. Do you?

Thomas Butta

One Comment

  1. Kevin Perry says:

    Great article Tom! I once saw a you tube video about a man named Nick Vujicic. He was born with no arms and no legs. However, he has spent his life inspiring and motivating others. Motivation you ask? Here is a quote from his video that has inspired me over the years, “I will try 100 times to get up and if I fail 100 times…if I fail and I give up do you think I’m ever going to get up…No. But if I fail I try again and again and again. But I just want you to know it is not the end…it matters how you are going to finish…are you going to finish strong.” – I am motivated by how my legacy will be on this earth, whether it is my career, my family, or who I am as a person. Let’s hope I have as much courage as this guy Nick Vujicic. Link to his 2 minute video (visited by more than 6M people).

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