About 21Weeks
21Weeks is a new model for driving exceptional value creation for business-to-business companies facing critical decisions about their future.
With a high-velocity approach and a record of impact, we treat time for what it is: Your most valuable asset.
Experience shows that 21 weeks is precisely how long it takes not only to assess your situation and suggest a new way forward, but to implement the changes needed to add long-lasting value to your company.
21 weeks is the exact balance between making sure change sticks and keeping it cost-effective. In less than six months you can be in a more powerful position to derive the value that comes from integrating transformative marketing, sales and product management around a compelling platform.
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21Weeks is led by Founder and CEO, Thomas Butta. Thomas is a transformation leader who guides strategy, architects critical internal integration, and drives external execution. Thomas is an experienced and sought after thought leader, having worked as an executive officer with top tier companies such as: Red Hat, PTC, and NICE Systems. Thomas is backed by researchers, designers, storytellers, product marketers, and sales training professionals who help bring strategy to life in a more relevant, differentiating, and powerful way.
Our Team
Nick Law. Creative. Nick was a founding member of 21Weeks, continuing a working relationship with Thomas that began in 1995. Nick is currently Chief Creative Officer at R/GA and based in New York City.
Dennis Michael Dimos. Design. Dennis is a world-class designer having served as Creative Director for Wired Design, Red Hat, PTC, and Monotype Imaging. He and Thomas have worked together since 1999.
Kenneth Gillett. Social Media and Online Marketing. Kenneth is expert at leveraging thought leadership content as a way to build brand and communities. He and Thomas have worked together since 2010.
Cliff Bassman. Implementation. Cliff is expert at bridging strategy and tactics, ensuring execution is a powerful expression of vision and objectives. Cliff and Thomas were childhood friends who have worked together for many years.
Our Clients
21Weeks has had hands-on experience with all of the following organizations:

Recent Success
Platform Computing
For 17 years, Platform was the leader in the niche field of high-performance computing. In 2009, Platform made the bold decision to move into the much larger and faster growing enterprise-computing markets of cloud and big data. Platform’s experience and expertise was a good fit, but the competitors were iconic companies. How did Platform transform from a relatively unknown company to become a credible player in cloud and big data? It did so in two ways. It focused not on the broad-based cloud market, but rather on the emerging space of private cloud and big data favored by large enterprises. It embraced a challenger brand stance by establishing a compelling positioning platform and rallying cry around a provocative point-of-view: Clusters, Grids, Clouds, Whatever. Everything flowed from that – product decisions, sales training, messaging, analyst relations, biz dev, go-to-market efforts. In two years, Platform achieved what it set out to do. It grew at double-digit rates, attracted new talent, won new important enterprise relationships, generated credibility with customers, analysts and the media for its newest products, and it got noticed. And, in so doing it attracted the interest of IBM which acquired Platform in November 2011.
A Fit For You?
Here’s a short list of questions that will help you know if you’d benefit from our help:
- Is your company in a position to accelerate? If not, what’s in the way?
- Are you positioned for value – or are you selling based on features, functions or price?
- Are you a thought leader in your market space?
- Is your competitive environment exploding in a frenzy of hype?
- Do you have a new offering that could leap frog you into a desirable new position?
- Are you seeing effective collaboration between marketing, sales and product?
- Do you have the critical talent to push your brand promise to the next level?
- Is your company being valued fairly? Are you at risk of becoming a commodity?
- Are you limited in your ability to reach up and over in your best customers?
The bottom line is this. If you already have what it takes to deliver against shareholder expectations, congratulations. If you don’t, we can help.
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